A network of digital advocates lambasted the Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board for their inaction on the complaints filed against Grab-owned motorcycle taxi firm Move It.
Digital Pinoys national campaigner Ronald Gustilo said that the LTFRB has virtually tolerated the infractions committed by Move It by ignoring complaints lodged against the it.
“LTFRB is putting the public’s safety in jeopardy by tolerating Move It’s accidents. Our complaint, which was sent last April 1, 2024, contained photos and videos of accidents involving Move It riders. Up to now, not even an acknowledgement of the complaint was made by the LTFRB.”
Gustilo noted that the incidents involved riders and passengers getting injured, some of which were featured in news reports. One incident reported in Cebu City even led to the death of both the rider and the passenger. Recently, the Metropolitan Manila Development Authority posted a video of a Move It rider who attempted to evade MMDA personnel after it encroached the EDSA busway, jeopardizing the safety of the passenger, the enforcers and the others using EDSA that time.
“Is the LTFRB waiting for more passengers to be injured or killed before they act on it? Or are they simply giving favor to Move It? Because delaying the investigation on these accidents does not serve the interest of commuters. It seems that the LTFRB is inclined to ignore the safety of the passengers rather than to act against this Singaporean-owned firm. This is unacceptable.”
In a hearing of the House Committee on Transportation, Gustilo raised the concern that the LTFRB is ignoring communications sent to Chairman Teofilo Guadiz III, which led to Committee on Transportation Chairperson Rep. Romeo Acop to remind transportation officials to respond to communications sent to their offices as it is mandated in the Anti Red Tape Act, and if they fail to do so, they may be held liable.
Previously, Digital Pinoys also called the attention of the technical working group of the motorcycle taxi pilot study, which is headed by the LTFRB, to investigate the lax training procedure of Move It after being reported that the Grab-owned firm allowed riders from rival firms to skip the mandatory skills assessment and training. The LTFRB did not act on the complaint.