A network of digital advocates welcomed the order of the National Telecommunications Commission to telecommunications companies to investigate the use of spam texts by Grab-owned motorcycle taxi company Move It.
In a letter sent to Smart Telecommunications, Globe telecom and DITO telecommunity, NTC Commissioner Atty. Ella Blanca B Lopez ordered the telcos to conduct an investigation and submit a written report within ten days upon receipt of the letter.
“The NTC’s investigation order to our telco providers is very much welcomed as it boosts our campaign against spam and scam messages. We are hoping that the investigation will reveal as to how Move It was able to specifically target motorcycle taxi riders from rival companies into receiving their text message.”
Gustilo earlier wrote the NTC and the NPC, asking the two agencies to investigate the spam texts. Gustilo and several motorcycle taxi riders appeared before the National Privacy Commission last week as the NPC commenced its investigation where it was revealed that a personalized version was also sent out by Move It and that the motorcycle taxi riders did not have any prior contact with Grab Philippines or Move It.
“The actions taken by the NTC and the NPC are a major breakthrough for the public and the government’s campaign against the proliferation of spam and scam texts. They can be assured the our group and the affected riders will fully cooperate in the investigations.”
Gustilo stressed that companies like Move It who uses spam texts to advertise activities, promotions and other events should be held accountable for undermining the efforts of the government and the public to address its proliferation.
“With the government’s campaign against the proliferation of spam and scam texts, companies using these practices should be held accountable. It is unacceptable that they are capitalizing on the scourge that the government and the public has been trying to eradicate.” ###